Even more important, is my unfailing belief in a person's own ability to achieve and improve their quality of life. It is with this deep commitment that Brain Focus Solutions is determined to inspire hope to the individual and their family or caregivers.
Brain Focus Solutions, Inc. is an educational consulting, tutoring and training practice designed to provide academic support to students Pre-K through 7th grade, adults and athletes.
Originally created for students with special needs, developmental delays or disabilities, Brain Focus Solutions now also provides the exciting researched based training modality of Interactive Metronome® for both pediatrics and adults.
It has been shown to be effective in numerous studies related to improving student learning. IM has been particularly focused on students having a variety of diagnosis such as, ADHD, Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Emotional/Behavioral Disorder. In the adult realm, current research documents showed improved symptoms in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, as well as in performance enhancement for athletes.
The culmination of more than 30 years experience as a Special Education teacher for Palm Beach County School District, has led to this private practice, which allows more focus, personalization, and individualized attention for the student/client.
As a Certified Interactive Metronome Trainer, my clients will be able to receive the IM training modality to address and improve issues ranging from attention/focus, motor planning/sequencing, mental timing/memory to behavior, impulsivity, coordination, and balance. They will benefit from my skills and experience and become more capable and competent to navigate the world.
Additionally, as an IM-Home Certified Provider, once the initial training phase is complete, training can be continued at home through the IM Home Program and e-Clinic. This program is designed for those with long term training needs, those who may have challenges traveling, or perhaps would prefer to train more often or on a more flexible schedule. Training plans can be developed and supervised through my office, to continue on-going training for students/clients to complete in the comfort of their home.
Whatever your educational /personal goals are, Brain Focus Solutions, Inc. will help you customize a plan of services to meet those goals.
Please call or email me now, to set up an introductory session with Brain Focus Solutions for yourself or a loved one. Take the first step to your Best Self! You will be glad you did!
Beth Perrotta, M. Ed.